Can money buy anything?

Stranger on earth
2 min readMar 27, 2021


When it comes to money, most people say that earning money is the most important thing in life because you can get whatever you want. And there are many people who say that they would be really happy once they got a huge fortune. But, personally I believe that our goal in life should not be becoming wealthy.

Money could be vital, but there are valuable things that we cannot buy with money.

Think about this way, imagine you earned all that money you would set as your goal, and you died before you would not used it. Have you ever thought of that once? Life is full of tragic. So if you think waiting for opportunities or circumstances that could make you happy some day, that is not viable thing to happen.

Many kinds of issues can happen during the lifetime. But the most thing is how you react to those situations and keeping yourself happy. If you are saying, you can’t be happy because you were ‘unlucky’ in life and you suffered a lot, you are wrong.

It only depends on one’s own attitude towards those incidents that can occur in life.

In my opinion, you are the one who chooses to be miserable depending on only one aspect of life. You should change your mindset and try to notice the valuable things rather than materialistic things. If you think about it, the most valuable things that we can’t buy with money, are actually comes free.

For instance, if you truly loved someone, you can’t put a price tag on it, because it is priceless. On the other hand, if you don’t love someone, that person can’t buy your feelings with money.

If you can’t see the value, possessing a lot of fortune is not going to help you. It means your problem is not because you are lacking money, your root of thought towards happiness is wrong.

Life is not about reaching certain goals like becoming rich and then be happy one day. Happiness is not a destination that we reach once in a lifetime. It is the collection of memories and experiences that we gain as time passes.

If you want to live a meaningful and satisfying life, you don’t have to wait for the moment to come. You want to casually make it happen for you. And, it is wiser to feel every moment and be in the moment regardless of chasing for the things to happen in the future.

The most important aspect of your existence in this world is to have a happy fulfilled life.

After all, your time on earth should not be depend on materialistic things. So, try to be grateful for every moment of your life on earth, because you never know how long is your journey going to last.

